Direct Response Mail
After your present marketing and media mix are carefully evaluated to discover opportunities or problems in your niche market segments, and objectives are agreed upon, IMA offers a synergized direct response mail service that addresses any of the following:
Competitive analysis
Customer awareness of new products/services
Customer service
Dormant account reactivation
Inquiry qualification
Integration of direct response programs
Inter-company and intra-company sales
List account maintenance
Marginal account maintenance/sales
Market penetration
Market research
New product introduction
Niche marketing
Product testing
Qualification/invitation of seminar or trade show attendees
Qualification/invitation of trade association membership
Quote follow-up
Sales support
Surveying markets
Test marketing
The direct mail equation of time and dollars invested, inquiries elicited, buying influences and specifiers identified, qualified leads cultivated, quotes generated, and sales achieved, provides the method of evaluating the return on investment yielded by the program, and provides a method of projecting and controlling future direct response mail programs.